U-Will Grow Inc Editing Services &
Book Publishing Process
Thank you for considering U-Will Grow Inc for your editing services. Let us begin by giving you some definitions of our various editing services.
Developmental Editing: What is developmental editing? Developmental editing is a thorough and in-depth review of your entire manuscript. It examines all the elements of your writing, from individual words and sentences to overall structure and style. In fiction, this edit will also address any issues related to plot and characterization. Good developmental editing will bear your target audience in mind and assess your work in relation to industry standards and expectations. Once your manuscript has been revised, reshaped, and developed will it be ready for a copy edit and proofread.
Copy Editing: What is Copy Editing? Copy editing is the act of fine-tuning a book’s text, otherwise known as the ‘copy.’ A copy edit will generally address grammatical or punctuation errors, incorrect facts, anomalies, inconsistencies and glaring typos. Overall, the purpose of copy editing is to ensure that the language supports the writer’s intent — while also creating the most readable version of their book. Professional copy editors can make sure your manuscript isn’t riddled with bad grammar, spelling mistakes, or glaring inconsistencies. They won’t enter into big-picture issues such as characterization, plot or pacing; instead, they will go through the manuscript line by line and focus on all the little things you might not have thought about. They’ll catch scenes in which your antagonist is wearing sunglasses and spectacles at the same time. They’ll save your tone and style from unintentionally wild shifts between sections. They’ll pull your book together page by page.
Proofreader: What does a proofreader do? Working with a proofreader is the final stage of the editing process. To ensure your book is ready to hit the presses (or the digital publisher), a proofreader will step in and double-check everything. They’ll make sure that your book is free from spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and other issues that could spoil a reader’s enjoyment of your writing. A professional proofreader not only has a keen eye for detail, but a tried-and-true method for spotting every minor error in your text, from missing commas to misused homophones. They’ll also keep your proof free from typographical and layout issues, such as the wrong typeface in one of your chapter headings, or awkwardly spaced lines within the text. Essentially, a proofreader should have the attention of a devoted reader and the sharp mind of an editor — seeing everything, missing nothing.
U-Will Grow Inc’s Cost: Since each person’s needs are different, we offer retainer packages for our editing services. If you don’t need the entire time of a retainer package, we will work with you on an individual needs rate. Submit an in-take form, and we will discuss.
Package #1 - 60 minutes of developmental editing, basic copy editing, proofreading, etc. - $120
Package #2 - 180 minutes of developmental editing, basic copy editing, proofreading, etc. - $300
Package #3 - 240 minutes of developmental editing, basic copy editing, proofreading, etc. - $420
A book of 15,000 words could average 20 hours of editing and proofreading.
Do You Need Our Help With Publishing Your Book?
Our Publishing Process: U-Will Grow Inc have helped many independent writers publish their books. We walk you through the process of making sure you book is cameral ready for submitting via Amazon.com.
After your book has gone through the editing and proofing process, we will…
Make sure your book cover is formatted correctly and ready for upload. If you don’t have a cover and need one, our graphic artist can design one for you. Cost of cover design is between $250 - $650.
Make sure your manuscript is camera ready for upload.
Help you setup your Amazon Publishing account.
Submit your book via Amazon.com. (We will help you from start to finish.)
Help you setup your Kindle account.
Help you format your book for the eBook Format.
Your average cost for a book of 15,000 words: Price begins at $2,000.
What is the average cost for U-Will Grow Inc to publish my book, if I want help through the entire process of editing, proofreading, cover design, etc.
Average Cost: Price begins at $2,550
***Other Editing Cost: Get your videos professionally transcribed from a Zoom transcript into an easy-to-read Word document format.
Average Cost: $60/hour
Again, thank you for considering U-Will Grow Inc for your editing needs. Please contact us for further questions/concerns, or for a personal discovery appointment.
Keep Growing,
Dr. Muriel Fuqua